But you get the full-functionality with the web interface. The same is true of casting. No need for multiple accounts. One account allows you to log on via multiple devices, so this is really a non-issue.
As far as your other streaming services, SelectTV opens them in their own windows so you have as much freedom as they allow you. Often on our Stream TV Scams page, we discuss companies who are based in countries outside of US Law, and we urge our readers to be careful with their credit card numbers.
This is not the case with SelectTV. SelectTV is a wonderful service. The time it will save you is invaluable, and the convenience it provides simply makes being a cord-cutter that much easier.
In fact, it is a good reason to become a cord-cutter! SelectTV offers a free 7-day trial regardless of the plan you are interested in. Check it out!
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If and when an IPTV service is deemed illegal, we notify our users immediately and update reports on our website to reflect that information. This IPTV service has over 10, channels in several categories including news, entertainment, sports, international, and more. There are also additional plans available. This IPTV service is available for installation on any device that runs the Android operating system.
SelectTV gave a much lower price so I assume they were lying to me. And, hey, when was the last time you watched "Fast Times at Ridgemont High"?
You can stream all that and tons more -- provided you know where to look. Indeed, half the challenge for any cable-TV cord-cutter is figuring out where and how to watch various shows and movies. What's more, when you ditch cable in favor of fully on-demand viewing, you lose out on the fun of channel-surfing.
The service provides an attractive front end for accessing a wealth of streaming video, the idea being to make it easier to find -- or discover -- things to watch. Unlike PlayOn, which serves primarily to record streaming videos for offline viewing, SelectTV gives you a one-stop web portal for those videos.
So, yeah, lots and lots of content, all of it searchable, much of it free.