FBI rookie Clarice Starling is assigned to solicit help from imprisoned psychopath Dr Hannibal 'the Cannibal' Lecter, whose insight into the depraved minds of serial killers is second to none. But in exchange for inviting her into the darkest chambers of his mind, Hannibal begins to probe at hers, demanding knowledge of her childhood demons as the price of understanding Buffalo Bill's. Clarice knows how dangerous this man is, and the terrible things he can do with this information. But women are still disappearing, and time is running out A serial murderer known only by a grotesquely apt nickname—Buffalo Bill—is stalking particular women.
He has a purpose, but no one can fathom it, for the bodies are discovered in different states. Clarice Starling, a young trainee at the F.
Her assignment: to interview Dr. Hannibal Lecter, a brilliant psychiatrist and grisly killer now kept under close watch in the Baltimore State Hospital for the Criminally Insane. Lecter's insight into the minds of murderers could help track and capture Buffalo Bill. Smart and attractive, Starling is shaken to find herself in a strange, intense relationship with the acutely perceptive Lecter.
Can a murder be a work of art? Several chapters look at the mind of this accomplished killer, psychiatrist, and gourmet cook. Is he a sociopath or a psychopath, or are these the same: Is he lacking in empathy: Apparently not, since he has a quick understanding of what other people think and feel. Maybe what he lacks is a conscience. Skip to content. The Silence of the Lambs. Author : Thomas Harris Publsiher : St.
The Silence of the Lambs Book Review:. Silence Of The Lambs. Red Dragon. Red Dragon Book Review:. Silence of the Lambs. Silence of the Lambs Book Review:. Hannibal Book Review:. Author : Cynthia J. Black Sunday. Black Sunday Book Review:. Breaking the Silence of the Lambs. Author : Jack A. Apsche,Jerry L.
Breaking the Silence of the Lambs Book Review:. Cari Mora. Cari Mora Book Review:. As Luck Would Have It. Caddyshack Book Review:. The Silence of the Lambs Thomas Harris. Animal Rites. Animal Rites Book Review:. Hannibal Lecter and Philosophy. This is Clarice Starling?
I thought you was trying to sell me something on that cheap long distance. Me and the wife was in Little Rock, pulling out of the Southland Mall there? He hit that oil and got sideways. Fotomat fella come wandering out addled.
Had to keep him out of the road. What happened to it then? If anybody gets something out of it, it ought to be me. Have you got that number, please? You know how it is with these grandbabies.
The foreman read Starling the vehicle serial number from his records. Shit House Mouse, thought Starling, not entirely out of the accent. Dead end. Some Valentine. Starling rested her head against the cold coin box in the telephone booth. Ardelia Mapp, her books on her hip, pecked on the door of the booth and handed in an Orange Crush.
I got to make one more call. I never use the colorful patois of my housing project anymore. You come talking that mushmouth, people say you eat up with the dumb-ass, girl. Starling felt she had to try for more information from Lecter.
If she already had the appointment, maybe Crawford would let her return to the asylum. She dialed Dr. Lecter suggested it to him, Chilton thinks. The overnight orderly heard Lecter talking softly to Miggs.
Lecter knew a lot about Miggs. Miggs was crying for a while, and then he stopped. Did you tell me everything, Starling? Civil Rights Division will do probably eight thousand this year. Lecter did it to amuse himself. I said yes. He said you were a Stoic, but I put that in. Nothing else? Next item. It was mashed into a cube four months ago in Number Nine Ditch, Arkansas, and sold for recycling.
You assumed, Starling. For a quote to stand out, it needs to have dramatic weight. Tally creates this weight through a mixture of tension and power dynamics. For most of the scene, Lecter holds power over Clarice. Tally knows this, Hannibal knows this, and the audience knows this, since the previous scene with Crawford told us Clarice is low on the totem pole and eager to please.
Because Hannibal has this power, he toys with Clarice, trying to simultaneously figure and freak her out. And for most of the scene, Clarice is on her heels, focused primarily on hiding her fear. This is what Hannibal intends to be his final blow, a wowing flaunt of his psychiatric capabilities. But he overplays his hand — he underestimates Clarice. Let's watch the scene. Lecter realizes this, and is no longer having fun.
He wants this talk to end, but not before he regains the upper hand. This is why the chianti line is so memorable: it is the button on a scene that masterfully understands and depicts a shifting power dynamic. You wake up in the dark and hear the screaming of the lambs. Tally manages to create a fully realized cast of characters by giving them palpable wants and themes that drives them through each scene.
This can be seen most clearly with Clarice. From the opening training montage , it is clear that Clarice will stop at nothing to become an effective FBI agent, no matter what obstacles lie in her path. Notice the similarity in scene direction here that we saw in the scene between Clarice and Hannibal.
There, Clarice attempted to hide her fear. Watch how the above scene plays out on screen — Jodie Foster and Anthony Heald capture the dynamic outlined in the script perfectly.