This mod has been set to hidden. Go to the Nexus tab in Settings and click the Associate with "Download with manager" links button. Go to your ModOrganizer directory and run the nxmhandler application.
Tried to reinstall, but that didn't seem to do anything at all. A full uninstall removing all configuration files finally managed to get NMM to install. Now I just have to let it detect all my games again.
Assmandu: This sounds similar to another recent issue, if this is still a problem you could try:. If this is no longer a problem for you 2 years later , or if I don't hear from you in a while, I'll close this issue. Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an account? Sign in to comment. I have years of experience behind me in computer programming, hardware troubleshooting and repair.
I specialise in Web Development and Database Design. December Update: You can now prevent PC problems by using this tool, such as protecting you against file loss and malware. Added support for Enderal standalone thanks to user jbostrus on Github. Fixed current game missing from the change game menu. Fixed Steam path retrieval for some games thanks to user jbostrus on Github Assets 3.
Source code zip.