Android Studio profilers. Profile CPU activity. Benchmark your app. Measure performance. Publish your app. Command line tools. Android Developers. Running tests You can run tests from the command-line, either with Gradle or with an Android Debug Bridge adb shell. Running unit tests with Gradle The Android Plugin for Gradle lets you run unit tests from your Gradle project via the command-line. The table below summarizes how to run your unit tests with Gradle: Unit test type Command to run Test result location Local unit test Call the test task:.
Instrumented unit test Call the connectedAndroidTest task:. For local unit tests:. To generate a single report when running tests across multiple modules, proceed as follows: In your project-level build. Call the test task:. Call the connectedAndroidTest task:. The value of the package attribute of the manifest element in the test package's manifest file. This is usually AndroidJUnitRunner.
Forces am instrument to wait until the instrumentation terminates before terminating itself. The net effect is to keep the shell open until the tests have finished. This flag is not required, but if you do not use it, you will not see the results of your tests. To determine the library that contains a given JUnit-based class, see JUnit-based libraries. The android. If your app only uses classes from android.
As discussed in Adding Gradle dependencies from a Maven repository , you can add these dependencies to your development environment by adding each dependency within your module-level build. This library consists of the following classes, each of which is in the junit. The library also consists of the following classes that are deprecated as of Android 9 API level 28 :.
This library consists of the following classes, each of which is in the android. The library also consists of the following classes that are deprecated as of Android 9 API level Each class is located in the android. Content and code samples on this page are subject to the licenses described in the Content License. App Basics. Build your first app. App resources. Resource types.
App manifest file. Device compatibility. Multiple APK support. Tablets, large screens, and foldables. Build responsive UIs. Build for foldables. Getting started. Handling data. User input. Watch Face Studio. Health services. Creating watch faces. Android TV. Build TV Apps. Build TV playback apps. Help users find content on TV.
Recommend TV content. Watch Next. Build TV games. Build TV input services. TV Accessibility. Android for Cars. Build media apps for cars. Build navigation, parking, and charging apps for cars. As this request is asynchronous the response is passed to a callback:. After configuring or retrieving an authorization service configuration, an authorization request can be constructed for dispatch:.
As this will open a custom tab or browser instance to fulfill this request. An intent can be specified for both completion and cancelation of the authorization flow:. We recommend using a custom scheme to send the OAuth redirect back to your app. The library configures the RedirectUriReceiverActivity to handle a custom scheme defined as a "manifest placeholder" which can be replaced by adding the following to your build. Instead of this, you can directly declare the redirect URI by adding the following to your AndroidManifest.
When the response is captured by RedirectUriReceiverActivity , it is ultimately forwarded to the activity specified in your completion intent, and can be extracted from the intent data:. Given the auth response, a token request can be created to exchange the authorization code:.
If a confidential client is created through dynamic registration, and the server expects the client to authenticate at the token endpoint, the necessary client authentication must be supplied in the token request. This can be simplified by making sure to store the registration response in the AuthState instance, then AuthState::getClientAuthentication can construct the necessary client authentication:.
With an updated AuthState based on the token exchange, it is then possible to make requests using guaranteed fresh tokens at any future point:. Skip to content. You can change this to another build type by using the testBuildType property in your module-level build.
For example, if you want to run your tests against your "staging" build type, edit the file as shown in the following snippet. To specify options that change how Gradle runs all your tests, configure the testOptions block in the module-level build. To specify options for only local unit tests, configure the testOptions. This section provides some configurations to help speed up your full and incremental builds. To learn more, read Optimize Your Build Speed.
Android Studio uses R8, which consumes ProGuard rules files, to shrink your code. For new projects, Android Studio uses a default settings file proguard-android. For even more code shrinking, try the proguard-android-optimize. To add rules that are specific to each build variant, configure additional proguardFiles property for each flavor.
For example, the following sample adds flavor2-rules. Now the release version of "flavor2" uses all three rules files because those from the release block are also applied. Although Android Studio provides an easy way to configure signing for release builds from the UI, you can manually configure the signingConfigs block in your module's build.
By default, signing configurations are recorded in plain text to the module's build. Please show you build. It seems to me that you have androidTest as opposed to traditional unit tests. For that the command is. Budius, I am not using androidTest. LeandroBorgesFerreira what do you see after execution. See the edited question. The result is less than the usual. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Improve this answer.