The upgrade is a simple license key change, no long install required. The Xbox controller, with the USB wireless dongle does work. You do however need Administrative local privileges for each computer, at least to perform the required setup.
Terminology The scenario that I use this setup myself, is to connect from my home computer, to the computer at my office. Computer Policy update has completed successfully. User Policy update has completed successfully. Now, reboot your local home computer. Now, reboot your remote work computer. Run it. Good stuff! Go back and try again.
Select whatever gamepad s you are using. Connect to your remote work PC. I had few 10k potentiometers laying around, so I thought, why not to make replica, mechanism is relatively simple and I have all parts on my desk. In images above you can see the development process of joystick, red one was the prototype then I modified few more details and printed out final product blue. I printed out spacer pipes separated from base because I have some problems with my printer, spacers turned out much better when printed separately rather then on base.
In case you'll print this joystick, be aware of that I used a slightly larger dimensions for holes and grooves because for some reason my printer prints around 0. All parts in this instructable are printed with 0. This design turns to be pretty good, I made space for 2 rotary potentiometers, 4 switches and 3 slide potentiometers, and one LCD for feedback information from quadcopter temperature, battery, pressure , etc..
Many people asked me why I didn't printed out whole frame with arms, well, the answer is that I wanted to make sturdy frame that can't brake so easily when crashed. Cool thing about this printed base is that you don't need any screws to attach U profiles in it, actually I used a hammer to stuck them in,but if you need to screw it, I left 2 holes for each arm, printing lasted for some h, quite long but I get desired quality.
Idea about software is to develop a both sided communication between two arduino mega boards with wifi modules,quadcopter should be able to carry FPV system, GoPro and few other sensors like barometer, thermometer and similar. Also, I thought to add a function where it could be able to maintain constant height using ultrasonic sensor, that high should vary up to 4m and will be set by one of potentiometers on transmitter.
In attachment you'll see all files necessary to replicate this project, if you need some other format, just comment below.
Question 5 months ago. Hello man, I enjoyed of your project, think about doing a similar, have not found where to download the cad files, please if possible send me the CAD files and codes used in the Arduino to: jeanbispo hotmail. I will be grateful. Reply 3 years ago. Reply 6 years ago on Introduction. Hi there, sorry for that, it must be I forgot to drop it in attachment, I have update it, see last step. Thank you.
Reply 4 years ago. He needs your technics To be controlled by Wi-Fi internet. Do i need the computer to control the copter? Or if somebody know how to connect the drone with smartphone as Parrot and Walkera did with camera view and control system..
Reply 5 years ago. I'm looking into making something like what your describing myself and I'm having some trouble finding good methods of controlling directly from my phone. I'm really quite new to this kind of thing and any help is really appreciated. If you found any good way of accomplishing this please tell me. My mail is william. Thanks a lot for great instructable!!! I am trying to use coptermanager code to implement some http api to the quadcopter. But I got in stuck with some troubles related to copter binding.
Could you please share some thoughts about "spent a few hours porting and fixing the original coptermanager"? I saw some diagnostic functions in the code archive but not sure how to use them.
Reply 6 years ago on Introduction. I didn't run into such problems. BTW, we're now working on adding direct connections through BLE and later WiFi, it will eliminate the server link specially for such cases. More by the author:. Now this became super-easy with Blynk : So I spent 1 evening and got it working.
I hope this will be interesting for you. Every time I use the Blynk app, it reminds me of the tricoder.